Monday, June 2, 2014

My Artist Statement:

      Art to me has always been my escape from reality, weather I'm stressed fro school, sports or just anything I can always find com fort in creating things. The way i view art is like a window into someone's mind. When someone creates a piece of art they are expressing their feelings in that piece of art. Whether your art is professional or not it is always unique in its own way, there is no "Unperfect" piece of art because each piece is unique in its own way.

In the project i made 2 logos for Digital Democracy, they are similar i just changed a few things in the newer one.

I used photoshop to "Newspaperize" Chicago in this project.

In this project we had to make a dragon in sculptris.

This is a student calandar design  made in photoshop, One of the main things i learned to use in this was the cation of my own brushes in photoshop.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

I love Corel Painter

Just a Sketch i drew

Second batch of custom sweaters, this time a
batman logo I made on Adobe Illustrator.

Print-making! the first batch of custom made spidey-bat sweatshirts
i made. Images created on Adobe Illustrator

An abstract Gig-poster i made with photoshop , supposed to symbolize "Bass Cannon" by Flux Pavilion.

Ladies and Gents I present to you the most awkward animal ever: the Penguicat
just a little project of mine on adobe illustrator

Believe it or not, i took this picture with my iPod while on a plane ride. one of the best views iv seen

Welcome to my art work blog of 2013/2014!